Today, is a good day.
I feel like I need to post. Share my joy, if you will.
My brother called me earlier. He and I hadn't spoken in nearly 3 years.
(A little background, in case you're interested...
My mom lost custody of him when he was 9 years old.
She had gotten mixed up in things that most people in their late 30's don't even think about, when you're a teenager, maybe, but as an adult, with 2 kids, no. Have I forgiven her, yes, will I ever forget or trust her again, no.
He is 15 now. He had to relocate to Ohio to live with his father...(not even his biological father, but that's a whole other post all in itself) Anyhow, so, she lost custody of him, and he went to live with his dad. He was so young, and the things my (our) mother was doing kind of messed him up a bit. He had to deal with things that kids his age shouldn't. Once he got to Ohio he started acting out, running away, setting things on fire....needless to say he went to a juvenile correction facility more than once, and finally ended up being a ward of the state and living in a group home for troubled boys. That's where he is now. But according to his step-mom, God bless her, he is doing much better, not getting into trouble, his grades are up, all kinds of good things. Praise God.)
Ok, now that that is out of the way. He and I talked for 15 minutes, which when you think about it, isn't long at all, but before when we would talk he never had anything to say, and it always ended up being a 2 to 5 minute conversation. But he was young, and when young boy wants to talk on the phone when they could be doing much cooler things?! We really talked today. It was fantastic. We talked about movies, life, school, the future, so much. His voice is so deep! He grew up and I missed it. But I'm not going to dwell on what I missed, I'm going to look forward to the future he has before him, and have faith that he is finally on the right track.
I love him, and I miss him so much. But I could not be happier that I got to talk to him. It was a great surprise.
Hope you all enjoy your weekend, I know I will. <3
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
I could not be happier that today is Friday. It has been one hell of a week. Emergency room twice, family dinner night out on Wednesday (mid-week dinner dates with my family ((other than the hubs)) is too much, I always think it's the weekend and my next day at work sucks.)

Today, as you know, is Good Friday, and Earth Day. Didn't really do much to celebrate Earth Day, I didn't litter, so that has to count towards something....right? As for Good Friday...well...
I had to work. My job never takes a day off. We make up for Saturday and Sunday on Monday...that's the busiest day of the week.
Our boss sent us an email yesterday telling us to bring our appetites because they were feeding us! Having a luncheon in honor of Good Friday?! Yes please!
They got us Olive, delish!
We started off with a little
then we got to choose from
chicken scampi
and Fettuccine Alfredo
Or we could have all 3, which most of us did along with as many bread sticks as we could handle.
Finished off of course, with these

So needless to say, lunch was great.
Then, because apparently she's awesome, our boss let us all go home at 3:00 instead of 4:30! What a great start to our holiday weekend.
The baby is feeling much, much better today. She was in a great mood when I picked her up from her nanny, and she stayed in a great mood until I put her to bed.
Today marks day 5 of working out!
The Mr. and I bought this
and let me tell you, it has been kicking our asses all week. I'm doing a "post baby" workout. It's starting with my legs and bum, so WOW, my poor, poor legs have been so sore, but the only way to make them stop hurting is to keep it up! So we are.
(We also haven't drank any beer this week at all) We're only going to be drinking during the weekend, which will be good for the beer bellies he and I have acquired.
This has been quite the post, and I promise to update with a little 'after Easter' update.
Have a great weekend, and Easter. Don't forget what Easter is all about my fellow bloggers ;)
All pictures provided by Google Image
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Weekend update...
It's been quite a weekend my fellow bloggers.
As you all know, Baby A has been sick since Thursday. Coughing, sneezing, runny nose....poor kid.
We took her to after hours pediatrics Friday, did what they suggested and after 2 days, it didn't improve. So we called her primary care pediatrician and they said we should just take her in to the ER. So we did.
They ran some tests, and they all came back negative, no RSV, or influenza. She just has a little virus that's been going around, and it'll have to run its course. Boo.
I hate seeing my little one sick. It breaks my heart. So, fingers crossed, she'll be better within the next day or so.
I called her awesome nanny and told her what was going on, and she said she would still keep her tomorrow. (A is the only kid she has, so theres no risk of spreading to other babes) I'm so glad we have her in our lives. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to keep her...other than myself, obviously.
We had a little birthday celebration for me Saturday night, small, simple, and at our house. Just what I needed. Sushi, wine, and an awesome gift (banana scented perfume!) Also, red velvet cupcakes (which was my breakfast this morning btw)
Today has been pretty much meh, ER visit, cleaning, and MORE laundry...(something I'll elaborate on later)
Cheers to a new week, no more sick babies, pay day, and of course, my birthday.
As you all know, Baby A has been sick since Thursday. Coughing, sneezing, runny nose....poor kid.
We took her to after hours pediatrics Friday, did what they suggested and after 2 days, it didn't improve. So we called her primary care pediatrician and they said we should just take her in to the ER. So we did.
They ran some tests, and they all came back negative, no RSV, or influenza. She just has a little virus that's been going around, and it'll have to run its course. Boo.
I hate seeing my little one sick. It breaks my heart. So, fingers crossed, she'll be better within the next day or so.
I called her awesome nanny and told her what was going on, and she said she would still keep her tomorrow. (A is the only kid she has, so theres no risk of spreading to other babes) I'm so glad we have her in our lives. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to keep her...other than myself, obviously.
We had a little birthday celebration for me Saturday night, small, simple, and at our house. Just what I needed. Sushi, wine, and an awesome gift (banana scented perfume!) Also, red velvet cupcakes (which was my breakfast this morning btw)
Today has been pretty much meh, ER visit, cleaning, and MORE laundry...(something I'll elaborate on later)
Cheers to a new week, no more sick babies, pay day, and of course, my birthday.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Sick baby
Yesterday morning babes woke up with a little cough. This isn't out of the ordinary...she sometimes a lot of the time will cough to get our attention. This, however was different. She was also a bit sneezy (this isn't a word, I'm well aware of that spell check!)
So I took her to her nanny, and told her to keep an eye on her and let me know how she was throughout the day. I picked her up and she had gotten progressively worse. But we all know kids get worse at night.
She went to bed around 9ish, and woke up every 30 minutes beginning at 2am. She just woke herself up coughing, poor thing.
Today, she was a little worse, so when I picked her up from the nanny, I called the MR and told him to get ready we were taking her to after hours pediatrics. We were only there for about an hour and a half, the doctor (whom I loved btw) told us she didn't have an ear infection (which we thought since another symptom she had was pulling on her ear) and she didn't have asthma. Phew. She does have acid reflux, which we've since she was 2 months. The doctor upped her meds and said that should solve the coughing. Fingers crossed it does. We were going to celebrate my birthday this weekend, but It looks like we'll be staying in. I'm very ok with that, it's my first birthday as a mom, so I want to spend it with the little one.
Happy Friday
So I took her to her nanny, and told her to keep an eye on her and let me know how she was throughout the day. I picked her up and she had gotten progressively worse. But we all know kids get worse at night.
She went to bed around 9ish, and woke up every 30 minutes beginning at 2am. She just woke herself up coughing, poor thing.
Today, she was a little worse, so when I picked her up from the nanny, I called the MR and told him to get ready we were taking her to after hours pediatrics. We were only there for about an hour and a half, the doctor (whom I loved btw) told us she didn't have an ear infection (which we thought since another symptom she had was pulling on her ear) and she didn't have asthma. Phew. She does have acid reflux, which we've since she was 2 months. The doctor upped her meds and said that should solve the coughing. Fingers crossed it does. We were going to celebrate my birthday this weekend, but It looks like we'll be staying in. I'm very ok with that, it's my first birthday as a mom, so I want to spend it with the little one.
Happy Friday
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
5 Random things
You may not know about me.....
1) I can't whistle.
2) I watch Jeopardy! 5 days a week.
3) The whites of my eyes are blue.
4) My drink of choice is a Crown and diet coke (double tall)
and finally,
5) My favorite number is 876
1) I can't whistle.
2) I watch Jeopardy! 5 days a week.
3) The whites of my eyes are blue.
4) My drink of choice is a Crown and diet coke (double tall)
and finally,
5) My favorite number is 876
Sunday, April 10, 2011
New place sneak peek....
Our new kitchen!
We're all moved in with the exception of a few odds and ends that are still in my trunk. We have been going, going, going since I got home from work on Friday. My poor husband has been working his ass off moving furniture, setting things up...all the hard man work... He did it all. I feel like I hardly contributed. But I cleaned, and organized, and will probably be organizing throughout the rest of the week. He took Monday and Tuesday off to paint, so when he's done, I'll post more pictures. Until then, this will have to do ;)
We're all moved in with the exception of a few odds and ends that are still in my trunk. We have been going, going, going since I got home from work on Friday. My poor husband has been working his ass off moving furniture, setting things up...all the hard man work... He did it all. I feel like I hardly contributed. But I cleaned, and organized, and will probably be organizing throughout the rest of the week. He took Monday and Tuesday off to paint, so when he's done, I'll post more pictures. Until then, this will have to do ;)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
It's that time again
That's right folks....
We're moving.
I doubt I've mentioned it in previous posts, but... I hate moving.
I don't hate a lot of things. You shouldn't hate. We don't need that floating around in the universe. (famous Phoebe quote from pilot episode of Friends ((don't hate...HA, it works two ways)) )
However, moving tops thenot as short as it should be list.
Packing, cleaning, unpacking, putting away...ugh. I'd really rather not.
I'm leaving work early tomorrow so I can come home and do the mountain of laundry we've piled up over the last week. Which is something else on my "Hate List."
It's not so much the doing laundry part, mainly the putting away that sucks... but it's got to be done...
We are moving to another apartment complex. It's right next to where we live now, like, I could literally throw a rock and hit our new apartment. (In case you're wondering, we will be living in an apartment for at least the next 4 years so we can save up for a house. Will we stay in Floria? I don't know! We'll see!)
Our current place is a 730 sq ft one bedroom, one bathroom apartment. Our new place is two bedrooms, two bathrooms and is1250 sq ft.
I'm super excited for baby A to have her own room. I'm really looking forward to decorating it.
Think, gray, pink and to come, you'll have to wait and see.
Since Easter will be our first holiday in our new is a little giveaway from a fellow blogger....
Go here for all the details.... Good luck!
I promise to be a better blogger from now on....maybe I'll squeeze in 2 a week instead of just one.....
but don't hold me to it ;)
Enjoy your weekend.
throwback... circa 2006
We're moving.
I doubt I've mentioned it in previous posts, but... I hate moving.
I don't hate a lot of things. You shouldn't hate. We don't need that floating around in the universe. (famous Phoebe quote from pilot episode of Friends ((don't hate...HA, it works two ways)) )
However, moving tops the
Packing, cleaning, unpacking, putting away...ugh. I'd really rather not.
I'm leaving work early tomorrow so I can come home and do the mountain of laundry we've piled up over the last week. Which is something else on my "Hate List."
It's not so much the doing laundry part, mainly the putting away that sucks... but it's got to be done...
We are moving to another apartment complex. It's right next to where we live now, like, I could literally throw a rock and hit our new apartment. (In case you're wondering, we will be living in an apartment for at least the next 4 years so we can save up for a house. Will we stay in Floria? I don't know! We'll see!)
Our current place is a 730 sq ft one bedroom, one bathroom apartment. Our new place is two bedrooms, two bathrooms and is1250 sq ft.
I'm super excited for baby A to have her own room. I'm really looking forward to decorating it.
Think, gray, pink and to come, you'll have to wait and see.
Since Easter will be our first holiday in our new is a little giveaway from a fellow blogger....
Go here for all the details.... Good luck!
I promise to be a better blogger from now on....maybe I'll squeeze in 2 a week instead of just one.....
but don't hold me to it ;)
Enjoy your weekend.
throwback... circa 2006
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Double Digits
That's right folks....
I have 10 followers. Only 2 I know personally!
I am so excited.
Cheers to many more to come, maybe one day I'll celebrate triple digits.
Welcome Megan
I have 10 followers. Only 2 I know personally!
I am so excited.
Cheers to many more to come, maybe one day I'll celebrate triple digits.
Welcome Megan
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Birthday Birthday Birthday
With April, comes Spring flowers, showers, Easter (sometimes), tons of peeps and chocolate bunnies....but of course, my birthday.
I am not ashamed to admit I am turning 24 this year. I am not worried about growing older, and will always be proud of my age.... until it starts showing...(then it's Hello Botox!)
Anyhoo, the point of this post is my wish list.
So without further ado....
This exact pair of Christian Louie's

New Tucker Max book



and finally...

Spread the word folks, you have until the 19th ;)
All images courtesy of Google Image
I am not ashamed to admit I am turning 24 this year. I am not worried about growing older, and will always be proud of my age.... until it starts showing...(then it's Hello Botox!)
Anyhoo, the point of this post is my wish list.
So without further ado....
This exact pair of Christian Louie's
New Palahniuk book (or any, they're all worth owning)
New Tucker Max book

and finally...
Spread the word folks, you have until the 19th ;)
All images courtesy of Google Image
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