Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
12 hour diapers?
Why wont someone invent one of those. And it needs to like, make the pee disappear, so my kid isn't just hanging out with a full diaper.
I mean seriously, she will sleep from 8pm to 6am most of the time without waking up, but if I let her, she pees through her diaper, onto her jams and all over her bed.
If I change her diaper in the middle of the night, she wakes up and doesn't want to go back to bed.
I'm at a loss. So looks like I'll be dealing with a wide awake baby when we should both be sleeping.
Someone fix this for me. Please. kthx
I mean seriously, she will sleep from 8pm to 6am most of the time without waking up, but if I let her, she pees through her diaper, onto her jams and all over her bed.
If I change her diaper in the middle of the night, she wakes up and doesn't want to go back to bed.
I'm at a loss. So looks like I'll be dealing with a wide awake baby when we should both be sleeping.
Someone fix this for me. Please. kthx
Monday, June 20, 2011
Father's Day
I knew that I wanted to make a huge deal out of Father's Day.
My husband isn't really a romantic kinda guy. I'm OK with that. I've known it from the start......6 years to be exact. So when Mother's Day rolled around, and I didn't get anything, I wasn't all that surprised. He just doesn't think about things like that. It wasn't until the end of the day when he asked why I was moping around that I finally broke down, cried, and told him how my feelings were hurt because he barely acknowledged the fact that it was Mother's day at all (and my first one!). Needless to say, he felt like total shit. And promised to make it up to me.
It still hasn't happened. But I don't blame him, I'm sure it would have had we not gotten in a car accident and had to buy a new car. Things get in the way of plans we make.
Life happens.
But I do think of things like that. A lot. I had been planning on what I would do for a while. So, here's what I did;
The babe and I woke up at 7:30 and went to the grocery store to pick up his favorite breakfast (cinnamon rolls) and while we were there I grabbed some OJ, chocolate milk (for moi) and some coffee (because we were out, and we needed some!) Maxwell House now has a gourmet blend, and it's delicious. I also found Peppermint mocha creamer by Coffee Mate, which he and I both love! (It's the only thing he will drink from Starbucks, peppermint white chocolate mocha latte) So it was perfect and I knew I had to get it, so I did. I came home and asked him what time he wanted to wake up, he said 9:30, which was also perfect. It gave me plenty of time to feel the baby and put her down for her morning nap. Once she was sleeping, I threw the cinnamon rolls in the oven and started the coffee.
I was going to wake him up. but someone beat me to it. He was on call, and his phone went off....he had to get up and go to work. ::Sad face::
I made him his breakfast, and coffee and gave him his cards; one from me, and one from our daughter. I also had the lyrics to the song "It wont be like this for Long" by Darius Rucker laminated (super fancy pants, I know), and gave it to him. If you haven't heard this song, it's really good. Especially if you have a daughter. He teared up while he was reading it,mission accomplished. Ha. I can't read it, or hear the song without crying, so I knew it was a good choice. After that, I gave him his gift! I reserved a round of golf for him and his buddies for next weekend....he suddenly loves golf, so he was super excited! I am horrible at keeping secrets, well not really, more presents that I have a hard time waiting to give, so I'm really surprised that I was able to wait until Sunday. Pleasantly surprised.
Off he went to work, and the babe and I went grocery shopping. I wanted him to be able to just relax and not have to worry about anything when he got home from work. Then she and I came home, and she took a nap which gave me time to clean our entire place before he got home. And I mean, I seriously cleaned. Like, vacuumed the vacuum kind of clean. He came home to a clean house, full of groceries, and no worries. I took complete care of the babe all day, and night so he could enjoy himself. It was really important to me that he had a great day. And overall, I'm pretty sure he did.
So tell me, how was your father's day spent?!
My husband isn't really a romantic kinda guy. I'm OK with that. I've known it from the start......6 years to be exact. So when Mother's Day rolled around, and I didn't get anything, I wasn't all that surprised. He just doesn't think about things like that. It wasn't until the end of the day when he asked why I was moping around that I finally broke down, cried, and told him how my feelings were hurt because he barely acknowledged the fact that it was Mother's day at all (and my first one!). Needless to say, he felt like total shit. And promised to make it up to me.
It still hasn't happened. But I don't blame him, I'm sure it would have had we not gotten in a car accident and had to buy a new car. Things get in the way of plans we make.
Life happens.
But I do think of things like that. A lot. I had been planning on what I would do for a while. So, here's what I did;
The babe and I woke up at 7:30 and went to the grocery store to pick up his favorite breakfast (cinnamon rolls) and while we were there I grabbed some OJ, chocolate milk (for moi) and some coffee (because we were out, and we needed some!) Maxwell House now has a gourmet blend, and it's delicious. I also found Peppermint mocha creamer by Coffee Mate, which he and I both love! (It's the only thing he will drink from Starbucks, peppermint white chocolate mocha latte) So it was perfect and I knew I had to get it, so I did. I came home and asked him what time he wanted to wake up, he said 9:30, which was also perfect. It gave me plenty of time to feel the baby and put her down for her morning nap. Once she was sleeping, I threw the cinnamon rolls in the oven and started the coffee.
I was going to wake him up. but someone beat me to it. He was on call, and his phone went off....he had to get up and go to work. ::Sad face::
I made him his breakfast, and coffee and gave him his cards; one from me, and one from our daughter. I also had the lyrics to the song "It wont be like this for Long" by Darius Rucker laminated (super fancy pants, I know), and gave it to him. If you haven't heard this song, it's really good. Especially if you have a daughter. He teared up while he was reading it,
Off he went to work, and the babe and I went grocery shopping. I wanted him to be able to just relax and not have to worry about anything when he got home from work. Then she and I came home, and she took a nap which gave me time to clean our entire place before he got home. And I mean, I seriously cleaned. Like, vacuumed the vacuum kind of clean. He came home to a clean house, full of groceries, and no worries. I took complete care of the babe all day, and night so he could enjoy himself. It was really important to me that he had a great day. And overall, I'm pretty sure he did.
So tell me, how was your father's day spent?!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day
Happy first Father's day to the most amazing dad.
We sure have one lucky baby girl!

So much love <3
We sure have one lucky baby girl!
So much love <3
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Animal Kingdom
Today the hubs and I took our little one to Animal Kingdom!
I had never been (neither had our daughter of course) and I was really looking forward to it!! We have a ton to do this weekend, and I wanted to make sure we fit this into our schedule!
So, we woke up at......wait for it......6AM! Yep, I'm serious. 6am on a Saturday. We had to go get some power steering fluid for our car (since when we bought it, it was practically bone dry. Assholes) So we drove about 20 miles in the opposite direction of where we needed to go to buy some. We get to the place and they fill up our power steering fluid, along with topping off all of the other fluids too! FOR FREE! They said if we're ever in town, swing by, they'll top everything off and wash it FOR FREE! I feel like we're members of some sort of elite club. It was pretty awesome! After that we went and filled up the gas tank, (got myself a sugar free redbull ((YUM)) ) and headed to Disney!!
They opened at 9, and we got there at about 10.....prepare yourself for picture overload...
Ok for some reason the order they were uploaded, it not the way they are showing.....ugh
So that was our day. We had an amazing time, I can't wait to go back when she's a little older and can really enjoy everything that Disney has to offer.
(BTW Mickey was no where to be found. So no picture with him today :( )
I had never been (neither had our daughter of course) and I was really looking forward to it!! We have a ton to do this weekend, and I wanted to make sure we fit this into our schedule!
So, we woke up at......wait for it......6AM! Yep, I'm serious. 6am on a Saturday. We had to go get some power steering fluid for our car (since when we bought it, it was practically bone dry. Assholes) So we drove about 20 miles in the opposite direction of where we needed to go to buy some. We get to the place and they fill up our power steering fluid, along with topping off all of the other fluids too! FOR FREE! They said if we're ever in town, swing by, they'll top everything off and wash it FOR FREE! I feel like we're members of some sort of elite club. It was pretty awesome! After that we went and filled up the gas tank, (got myself a sugar free redbull ((YUM)) ) and headed to Disney!!
They opened at 9, and we got there at about 10.....prepare yourself for picture overload...
Ok for some reason the order they were uploaded, it not the way they are showing.....ugh
Mt. Everest
Little Miss. So excited (but she doesn't know why!)
Before the fun started!
The Tree of Life
Super cute fake giraffe <3
Love birds
Huge turtle
Where we spent most of our time
So pretty!
Authentic African Man
My daughter, the people watcher
Daddy love
Swimming hippo!
Huge Gator!
Interesting upside down tree
Going on safari
They were so close!
White rhinos
Super excited post animal watching
African drummer
Tree of Life up close
Dinoland USA
So that was our day. We had an amazing time, I can't wait to go back when she's a little older and can really enjoy everything that Disney has to offer.
(BTW Mickey was no where to be found. So no picture with him today :( )
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
We got it!
Our very first car!
Well, our very first car purchased as husband and wife.
It's also the first car he has bought in his name, and that I have in mine. Did that make sense?
On another note, my kid is rotten. I'm trying to figure out how to get her from screaming at the top of her lungs when we walk out of her sight. Not even that, we can be where she can see us, but if say, she's in the living room, and we're in the kitchen, (she can see us) she flips her shit. I don't understand it at all. I mean, I guess it's our (read: my) fault for rushing to her whenever she would make a peep earlier in her life, but I'm over it. This kid needs to learn that we're not going to let her control us. Any tips momma's?
Well, our very first car purchased as husband and wife.
It's also the first car he has bought in his name, and that I have in mine. Did that make sense?
Anyway, this is what we got!
It's a 2004 Audi A4.
Perfect condition <3
It has a few more miles than we were wanting, (still under 100,000) but for a car we're pretty much using just to get our credit out of the shitter, I'm definitely happy with our purchase.
It does, however, have leather seats. I'm not sure if you know this, but we live in Florida, and our sun can be pretty brutal, so we'll be investing in some seat covers quickly. ;)
By the way, we paid the Kelly Blue Book price for it, so it makes me feel better knowing we didn't totally get screwed.
On another note, my kid is rotten. I'm trying to figure out how to get her from screaming at the top of her lungs when we walk out of her sight. Not even that, we can be where she can see us, but if say, she's in the living room, and we're in the kitchen, (she can see us) she flips her shit. I don't understand it at all. I mean, I guess it's our (read: my) fault for rushing to her whenever she would make a peep earlier in her life, but I'm over it. This kid needs to learn that we're not going to let her control us. Any tips momma's?
Her skin isn't gray, I promise. :)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I just ate half a bag of pretzels
Not quite, but more than enough. That was my lunch today.
You see, normally I'd be at work, and would have eaten my usual Pb&j or turkey on whole wheat, but today was a little different.
Last night when the babe and I got home, I noticed she had a pretty big eye booger. (Sorry, I guess I could have warned you) which is very unusual for her. So we went about our normal routine, and she napped a while in her swing before I moved her to her bed. While I was moving her I noticed her eyelashes we covered in gunk, so I though to myself....crap. Pinkeye.
How could my little baby daughter have gotten something so yucky. Her nanny didn't have it, her father nor myself had it, so I was at a loss. I cleaned her up and put her to bed knowing what I'd find in the morning would be worse.
I was right. I knew her nanny wouldn't keep her, so I called her to let her know what was going on and the Mr and I decided that I would work the first half of the day while he took her to the Doc and he would work the second half so neither of us would have to miss a full day.
Well. Apparently she doesn't have pinkeye. She poked her poor, little self in the eye. They gave us some drops and sent us on our way. By the time I got home from work I could already see improvement. Thank God.
If it's not one thing it's another. Seriously. Can I please catch a break?! First the wreck, now this?
It could be much worse, so I'll stop whining.
I won 2 tickets to Busch Gardens today on the radio. So I'm super excited to go and take the babe and let her see all of the animals!! Oh how exciting!! I can't wait!
Our attorney finally contacted us today so we can have a follow up doctor appointment. Which means I'll miss more work, but I have to go. Like, I must. I think I cracked a rib....seriously. We ran out of pain meds a few days ago, and we're hurting. God willing we'll get this all straightened out sooner rather than later.
I'll leave you with....
The hubs and I a few years ago, the shortest my hair has been in my adult life....never again. <3
(You thought it was going to be the babe didn't you?!)
You see, normally I'd be at work, and would have eaten my usual Pb&j or turkey on whole wheat, but today was a little different.
Last night when the babe and I got home, I noticed she had a pretty big eye booger. (Sorry, I guess I could have warned you) which is very unusual for her. So we went about our normal routine, and she napped a while in her swing before I moved her to her bed. While I was moving her I noticed her eyelashes we covered in gunk, so I though to myself....crap. Pinkeye.
How could my little baby daughter have gotten something so yucky. Her nanny didn't have it, her father nor myself had it, so I was at a loss. I cleaned her up and put her to bed knowing what I'd find in the morning would be worse.
I was right. I knew her nanny wouldn't keep her, so I called her to let her know what was going on and the Mr and I decided that I would work the first half of the day while he took her to the Doc and he would work the second half so neither of us would have to miss a full day.
Well. Apparently she doesn't have pinkeye. She poked her poor, little self in the eye. They gave us some drops and sent us on our way. By the time I got home from work I could already see improvement. Thank God.
If it's not one thing it's another. Seriously. Can I please catch a break?! First the wreck, now this?
It could be much worse, so I'll stop whining.
I won 2 tickets to Busch Gardens today on the radio. So I'm super excited to go and take the babe and let her see all of the animals!! Oh how exciting!! I can't wait!
Our attorney finally contacted us today so we can have a follow up doctor appointment. Which means I'll miss more work, but I have to go. Like, I must. I think I cracked a rib....seriously. We ran out of pain meds a few days ago, and we're hurting. God willing we'll get this all straightened out sooner rather than later.
I'll leave you with....
The hubs and I a few years ago, the shortest my hair has been in my adult life....never again. <3
(You thought it was going to be the babe didn't you?!)
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