How far along? 39 weeks...
How big is baby? 20 inches, 7 pounds The size of a mini watermelon
Maternity clothes? Yes, oh yes!
Sleep: Sleep is still pretty good; If I sleep on my left side too long, my shoulder hurts (previous broken collarbone to thank for that) and if I sleep on my right side too long, my arm goes numb. If I sleep on EITHER side too long, my hips start hurting. lol
Movement: Early afternoon and around 8pm are her busiest times
Food cravings: Still Sprite
Food Aversions: Tomatoes
Gender: All girl
Pregnancy Symptoms: Swelling in my hands and feet, heavy belly, night sweats, irritability, backache, rib pain, dear God, the rib pain!!!!
Belly Button in or out? Sometimes flat, sometimes a little bit out!
What I miss: Beer ;)
What I am looking forward to: Having this baby! :) Hopefully soon!!
Come on, baby. It's time to GET OUT!!!
If we hadn't already decided that this will be our last one, I would have decided on my own, the last few weeks have been HELL, and I'm over it.