I thought I was going to start a blog for my pregnancy, but I think I changed my mind. I started to document all the things I had gone through so far, as my first post, and it was
verrrry long. I could honestly write a book. So I think this will be more of a day to day thing. So here goes.
Its Tuesday June 22
nd, 2010. I'm watching the Law & Order
SVU marathon that I watch every Tuesday and reading posts on the Second Trimester Board on
Thebump.com. My baby (Ariana) is kicking away, which makes me very happy. I love feeling her move around in my belly.

This is what she looks like right now. Beautiful, right?! I know. I never knew I could love someone so much without having ever met them. I can't wait to meet her, but I'm willing to wait these last 4 months so she'll be fully baked!
<3 id="SPELLING_ERROR_4" class="blsp-spelling-error">JLM