Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week(end) Update

This week flew by, I think it was because I knew I'd be getting paid on Friday (for the first time in a very long time). I'm starting to really like my job. Friday rolled around and 2 people were out of the office so it was mainly myself and 2 others, we hung out, working, chatting and listening to the radio. When lunch rolled around I told them that they needed to think of me and not talk to each other in Spanish the whole time, like usual, and they did! Finally I felt included! I got lots of work done, and when 430 rolled around, I flew out the door, down I4 and got to the nanny's to pick up my little one. (Who, by the way is 3 months old today!!)

Saturday we got up and moving around 9ish, and were out the door by 10. We spent the day apartment hunting. We visited 4 or 5 different communities, and didn't really have much luck. See, in the past we have really just checked out one place and moved in. This time we want to take our time and find the perfect place for us. Our current place is way too small, and we'd like to have a lot more space, for one, so A can have her own room, and two, so we can have people over and not feel like we're sitting on top of one another. We saw two that we really liked, but we made too much money to live in one, and the other was too small, it was gorgeous and in the perfect location, but not for us. So, we'll continue the search next weekend. (I also didn't feel like working at my second job so I called around and got someone to work for me ;) ) I spent the rest of the day cleaning instead of working!

We ended the night renting The Social Network, drinking a few and passing out. To be honest, I went to bed about half way though the movie, so I finished it this morning. ;)

Today consisted of lounging around and not doing much. Baby A has been a grump all day, so I'm glad it's almost over. I finished up laundry and we went for a walk (it was a gorgeous day) and that was pretty much it. Exciting huh?

My 3 month old babe

Friday, January 28, 2011


Here I sit, on a Friday night, on my couch. It's 1030 and we just put the little one to bed.

I cried a little tonight.

The Mr. and I talked about the day babe was born. He told me things he remembered, and I told him things I remembered.

My heart melted. Although I don't remember all the details, I remember whats important. And you know what, I have a few regrets. Surprisingly, I regret not having a mirror so I could watch her enter the world. I thought I didn't want to see that, but now I wish I had.

I've said numerous times she will be our only, that I'd never do it again. That's a lie. I loved being pregnant, I loved the experience of her delivery (minus the pain ((that I don't remember)) ) To be quiet honest, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. The tough times only last a few months, then it's on to the fun stuff.

I just wanted to fill you all in on my Friday night. It used to consist of bars and booze, and while booze may still be included, times have definitely changed. For the better.

(Batman is also on in the background so I'm sorry if I jumped around) :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week(end) Recap

I know I don't update as often as I used to, but I'm busy these days.

I leave home at 7am and don't get home until 6pm. I'd update from my crackberry, but if I did, I'd never get any work done, so for now, I'll update when I can, continuing of course, my wordless Wednesday/Project 52.

My first week at my new job was great. All of the people in the office are really nice, and very helpful. Nearly 80% of the employees in our office are Hispanic, so they talk amongst each other in Spanish. Now I have ABSOLUTELY no problem with people speaking in whatever language they are most comfortable with, but I do, however, find it a little rude when we're all sitting at lunch together and they talk to each other knowing that we can't understand them. Am I wrong for feeling this way? If I am, please don't hesitate to correct me.

Here's what I do: I sit at a desk, in a room by myself (until they get an office space available for me) and I organize receipts from all of the Mexican restaurants in Epcot. I separate them, and count them, and enter all of the information into Excel. Now, I'm the only person who does this particular job, and we have quite a few restaurants, so I am never not busy. There is always work for me, which is awesome. It helps the days go by so much faster.
I appreciate this because we had to get a nanny for Baby A. I was hesitant at first and worried about this, but the woman we chose is a friend of a friend of a friend. She worked in a day care for 20 years, has 2 kids of her own, and Baby A is the only child she keeps. She is the sweetest woman I have ever met. My first day dropping the babe off with her, she got me a card telling me that everything would be ok, and not to worry that babes was in good hands and if I needed anything, or if I ever wanted to call, I could whenever. I cried so hard leaving my baby with her. I would have cried leaving her with anyone, but knowing that she was with someone who genuinely cared, made it a little easier. (She warned me when we all met for the first time for her initial interview that I would cry, I didn't think I would, but my Cod! She was right!)
It got easier everyday. She hugs me every morning and tells me to have a good day and asks me about my day when I pick up the kiddo. Amazing. I couldn't have asked for anyone better. She also got me a card on Friday congratulating me on making it through my first week!!
Babes seems to be getting used to her as well, she said she gradually got more used to her everyday. Tomorrow will be interesting since she will have to readjust from being with us all weekend. But fingers crossed everything will be ok.

Nothing really exciting happened this past week, woke up, went to work, came home, went to bed. Nothing to write home about for sure. Hmm, lets see...trying to think about what went down this weekend..
ahh, Saturday I went to work at my second job Old Navy. I like it, and I'm keeping it because I like the discount I get at the Gap. Plus it's only 1 day a week or every other, nothing I can't handle. The hubs got his xbox back that night from getting fixed, so he was a happy camper. Then we went to Linds and Wes' house drank some brews, watched Pretty Little Liars and Teen Mom 2. Usually we have to leave early because babes throws a fit, but this time, she fell asleep in my arms, and I held her and she did great! We actually got to stay out until 1030ish!
This morning we went to breakfast at Lindsey's parents, went and looked at a townhouse (that I really want to move into) then Lindsey and I went shopping and I came home and here we are. (There's a lot of Lindsey in that paragraph, can you tell I don't have many friends? I don't care, she'd be my favorite regardless...((don't worry Jess, ily toooo)) ..)

Tomorrow begins week 2 of full time workin', and my FIRST pay check!!! Woot! I'm rich biatch! Whomp whomp!! (thats a truck horn btw) haha

Have a good week.

(I was spell checking and I spelled 'regardless' wrong, and one of the suggestions were 'irreguardless' THAT'S NOT A WORD! GAH!)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Well it's about time.

It took me 5 minutes to think of a title for this post. Really?! Whatevs.

This year has started off great.
After not having a full time job in well over a year, I am now currently employed with a company in association with Disney. It rocks. I work Monday through Friday 8:30 to 4:30. I get off just in time too...right before traffic on I4 goes to hell. It's an office job so I get to dress all fancy! Which is both good and bad. I currently have no clothes that fit me. I have yet to return to my pre-pregnancy weight/size, and to be quite honest, I'm not sure if I will ever be the same size again. Having a daughter blessed me with hips I didn't have before, so my super narrow, super skinny jeans, well, I think they're going to stay packed away. Insert sadface.
The good side of this however, is I get to buy all new clothes! YAY! What woman doesn't love new clothes? I'm very excited to add to my (quite bare) closet. Also SHOES! HeelsHeelsHeels! Yes please! Gah, I could burst from excitement!

I should probably mention this job DOUBLED our income. Yep, I make the same amount of moolah as the Mr. That, my loyal readers, is awesome. We have always lived paycheck to paycheck, and my hubs taught me how to be frugal. (Only after I went grocery shopping alone for the first time when we moved in together and spent $200 and came home with juice, and not much else.) Now we'll have enough money to do things. Whatever we want, whenever we want and not have to worry about being able to pay our bills. First things first, we're buying a coffee pot. A good one. Thank God! I have missed coffee so much! I'll be glad to have it back. (But don't think this will keep me away from Starbucks at least once a week!)

Another thing, I got a car!!! Woohoo! I have been without a vehicle of my own since March of 2010. I had a good ol' (not so) trusty truck. 2 doors, 4 cylinder, 2 seats...too small for a baybee! ;) It croaked March 6th, and was left on the side of the road.
Now, I have a Nissan Altima. It's old, don't get too excited. It's a 2001, but it only has 64,500 miles on it! Annnnd brand new tires (with no hubcaps, so it looks like I'm riding around on 4 doughnuts lol but we can fix that) 4 doors and a big trunk! It feels so good to know I'm not stranded anymore.

The Mr. got promoted on Friday! While this doesn't include a pay raise just yet, there will be one coming. He is in the construction business, so they will be supplying him with a company vehicle (when he gets a Florida driver's license ((which I need to do as well)) and when they have one available.) He also has to take a few classes and get certified, once that is done...hello $3 raise!

A few side notes:
My job gets us into Disney free :)
We'll be saving up to buy our first house in approx. 3 years.
We'll be paying off our debt!! :)
And we'll be moving to a bigger place within the next couple of months.

I might also mention that me working full time means the little one will be spending her days with a nanny. I'm sad I wont be able to spend all day everyday with her, but I know this is giving us the opportunity to make her life better. Our nanny is fantastic. She worked in a day care for 20 years and is currently certified in cpr and first aid! We met with her on Thursday and we all clicked really well! Her first day is tomorrow, so fingers crossed it all goes well (and I don't cry)!

So it's 16 days into 2011 and I've got to say... things are finally looking up.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Daddy and Baby
My whole world is sitting on that couch.
(OK, almost wordless Wednesday)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday/Bandwagon Jumping

OK, I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Well, a couple of them actually.

Bandwagon #1
I'm going to do a Project 52. I don't want to commit myself to a Project 365, because lets face it, I have a baby to take care of and sometimes I can't get around to posting a picture. However, I can commit myself to post at least one picture a week.

Bandwagon #2
I'll post my pictures on Wednesdays! Wordless Wednesday here we come.

So in honor of my bandwagon jumping, here, for your viewing pleasure, picture #1 of my Project 52.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years update....

Ok, so as I promised, here is my update on what happened New Years Eve....

We left baby A with my mom at 630pm and went to pick up some beer and snacks for the shindig we were headed to at Lindsey and Wesley's house.

(I should probably mention that every night around 7 my lovely child likes to start fussing, sometimes fussing escalates to screaming, sometimes not. My mother knew this, and after raising two children, one with GERD she said she would be fine...)

We got to the par-tay and we were the first to arrive, call me crazy but I was ready and excited to have a night away from the kiddo. Lindsey was hard at work making veggie sushi (omg.yum) It was amazingly delicious. Wes was just kind of hanging out waiting on everyone to arrive. Once they did, (they being Jess and Vann) Jessica got started making coconut shrimp, and Vann got started drinking.... (as did I)

The guys headed outside to smoke and play cornhole, and we ladies stayed inside playing Kinect. OMG so fun, but I'm definitely paying for it today. (Which is odd, I'm more sore today than I was the day after...whatever)

Anyhow, after playing for a while we were super hot and sweaty and needed to change into some jammies. We were all too tired to continue playing so we decided to play Cranium instead, sadly you need at least 4 players, and no one else wanted to play, so the 3 of us played HedBanz...super fun! (Do you consider a horse a pet?)

So by now it's oh, idk, mother, the one who raised 2 kids, calls and tells me we have to come home, the babe wont stop crying and the fireworks are keeping her awake.

Ok, we're kind of bummed to end our night out earlier than expected, but we love our kiddo, and wanted her to be happy, so home we went. We got there, gave her a bath, snuggled her a bit and she went right to sleep. Something tells me we wont be having very many nights out.

So...that wraps up our New Years Eve celebration. Here are a few pictures...

The hubs and myself...
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Millie (the party animal) and yours truely
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The 3 most bad ass betches everrr
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All in all, I had a great time.

The next morning however, I wake up to this in a text from Lindsey with the caption "Guess What?!?!?!"
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OOOMMMGGG!!! I have never been more happy for someone. Ever. If anyone deserves to get engaged This poor, poor woman has been dating Sir Wesley for... wait for it.... 7 years!! Seriously! No joke. 7 years. Poor thing. Finally! She had been 'hinting' around for a while and even put a picture of the ring she wanted on the fridge so he would see it e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y. Guess what? He got her the ring she wanted! Persistance pays off. Congratulations Lindsey my love. I could not be happier for you. I can't wait for 2012 and all the planning that is headed your way!