We left baby A with my mom at 630pm and went to pick up some beer and snacks for the shindig we were headed to at Lindsey and Wesley's house.
(I should probably mention that every night around 7 my lovely child likes to start fussing, sometimes fussing escalates to screaming, sometimes not. My mother knew this, and after raising two children, one with GERD she said she would be fine...)
We got to the par-tay and we were the first to arrive, call me crazy but I was ready and excited to have a night away from the kiddo. Lindsey was hard at work making veggie sushi (omg.yum) It was amazingly delicious. Wes was just kind of hanging out waiting on everyone to arrive. Once they did, (they being Jess and Vann) Jessica got started making coconut shrimp, and Vann got started drinking.... (as did I)
The guys headed outside to smoke and play cornhole, and we ladies stayed inside playing Kinect. OMG so fun, but I'm definitely paying for it today. (Which is odd, I'm more sore today than I was the day after...whatever)
Anyhow, after playing for a while we were super hot and sweaty and needed to change into some jammies. We were all too tired to continue playing so we decided to play Cranium instead, sadly you need at least 4 players, and no one else wanted to play, so the 3 of us played HedBanz...super fun! (Do you consider a horse a pet?)
So by now it's oh, idk, 1030...my mother, the one who raised 2 kids, calls and tells me we have to come home, the babe wont stop crying and the fireworks are keeping her awake.
Ok, we're kind of bummed to end our night out earlier than expected, but we love our kiddo, and wanted her to be happy, so home we went. We got there, gave her a bath, snuggled her a bit and she went right to sleep. Something tells me we wont be having very many nights out.
So...that wraps up our New Years Eve celebration. Here are a few pictures...
The hubs and myself...
Millie (the party animal) and yours truely
The 3 most bad ass betches everrr
All in all, I had a great time.
The next morning however, I wake up to this in a text from Lindsey with the caption "Guess What?!?!?!"
OOOMMMGGG!!! I have never been more happy for someone. Ever. If anyone deserves to get engaged it.is.her. This poor, poor woman has been dating Sir Wesley for... wait for it.... 7 years!! Seriously! No joke. 7 years. Poor thing. Finally! She had been 'hinting' around for a while and even put a picture of the ring she wanted on the fridge so he would see it e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y. Guess what? He got her the ring she wanted! Persistance pays off. Congratulations Lindsey my love. I could not be happier for you. I can't wait for 2012 and all the planning that is headed your way!
1 comment:
Ah, but you still had fun! We like to bring the party to us now...I can put the kids in bed and we can party it up as late as we want and no sitter needed! You'll get there soon, when she is older and on a schedule.
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