Friday, July 22, 2011

Oh hai.


I feel like I haven't blogged in months! GAH!

So, lets update, shall we......

This week was awesome. Worked regularly Monday & Tuesday, left work at 10 on Wednesday, and then worked regularly yesterday and today. This week flew by....

Maybe that's because I SAW BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!!!!!!! Yes I did, yes I did (somebody please tell him who the eff I is) saw Nicki Minaj too. Jealous? It was awesome. I'd upload some of my videos buuuuuut I'm kind of screaming like a crazy teen-aged fan  and I don't think you'd appreciate that. We had amazing seats, they were great, then we got upgraded to club level (vip bitches) after the chick sitting next to us barfed. Nope, I'm not lying, it really happened. Before Britney even came on stage! Luckily for her, otherwise I would have LOST MY MIND. I would have strangled her. But it all worked out. Yay for us. :)
Beer was $10 by the way. FOR ONE! One beer, and they had crappy not everyone likes bud light! clASSy.

Anyway, that day ranked up there with the likes of my wedding and the birth of my child <3

My kiddo also had her 9 month well baby check up!
Some stats.....
27in long
She also started crawling. FINALLY. I was worried she would skip straight to walking, but nope! We're mobile people! Move over!!

All in all, it's been a damn good week. I'd tell you more but I'm starving and dinner's here!!!

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