I had my due date changed on me at my last appointment so I'll now be updating on Sunday instead of Wednesday.
My original due date was April 9th, but it's been pushed back to April 12th. The day after my sister's birthday, and 7 days before mine. Should I be nervous about an Aries baby? haha

(Finally my lazy ass took a picture! This was taken at 5:30 in the morning, hence my grump face.)
How far along? 10 weeks!
How big is baby? 1.2 inches & .14 ounces! The size of a prune!
Total weight gain/loss: Around 5 lbs, depending on who's scale I'm standing on.
Maternity clothes? I have one pair of maternity slacks for work, that I'm loving. They are full panel though, so I'm having to fold it over since it's obviously too big. I'm also LOVING my Beband <3 font="" nbsp="">3>
Sleep: Sleep is still going well. Occasionally I have to get up once for a trip to the bathroom, but once isn't too bad. I'm sure it wont be long before that changes. ;)
Movement: Nothing real yet, definitely some phantom kicks though, which is super weird.
Food cravings: Sprite!
Food Aversions: They vary from day to day. Friday I would have barfed at the thought of pizza, but Saturday I had to have it. My husband thinks I'm a crazy person.
Gender: Still not sure! But thinking BOY!
Pregnancy Symptoms: Oh, you know, the usual. Sore boobs, irritable as HELL, mood swings, oily skin, constant hunger... the list goes on and on...
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: Coffee, well Caffeine in general, and my oil & blemish free skin
What I am looking forward to: Second Trimester!
Upcoming appointments/events: I don't have another appointment for 4 more weeks. :(
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