Sunday, December 8, 2013

I missed a couple...

This was bound to happen...I've never been able to stay on track with regular blogging. I'm surprised I made it as long as I did without missing a week or two. 
I am happy to report that we got the results back from my Quad screen, and everything is normal. ::Happy Face:: 

21 Weeks                         22 Weeks

How far along? 22 weeks 4 days

How big is baby?  11.5  inches, 1 pound The size of a large mango (Or Barbie doll, depending on who you ask)   

Maternity clothes? Yep!

Sleep: Sleep is my friend. I got 12 hours last night. (Only because I'm sick as a dog) 

Movement: Oh yes! You can now see (and feel) her kicks from the outside!

Food cravings: Chinese. Always.  

Food Aversions: Tomatoes

GenderIt's a Girl! 

Pregnancy Symptoms: Headaches, backaches, and currently suffering from horrible sinus congestion and pressure. 

Belly Button in or outIn.  

What I miss: Being able to take REAL medicine when I'm sick. 

What I am looking forward toOur Christmas vacation! 10 more work days and counting! 

Upcoming appointments/events:  Not again until after the New Year. UNLESS this awful sinus shit doesn't go away, then I'm making an appointment to get some meds! 

Until next time! 

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