Christmas is 33 days away.
New Years Eve is 39 days away.
I LOVE the last 2 months of the year. I love the changing weather, the smell of fall (granted it's usually in the form of candles) the changing leaves (although that really doesn't happen here) all of the holiday decorations around town on the light poles, and the fact that Walmart has Christmas decorations up the day after Halloween!
I am a holiday FREAK! I want to decorate my place with crazy amounts of decorations, and a big ass tree, and I want to sit on the couch, wrapped in a snuggie (hahanotsomuch) sipping on some hot cocoa with the windows open reading a book...does that make me a nerd, maybe. Do I care, nope.
Annnnnnnyhow. Thanksgiving is Thursday (derr) we'll be spending A's first turkey day with the Greene family....and I am suuuuuper excited about the redonk amount of delicious food, and of course, the booze!! Woot! I can officially drink again!! YES! Pie eating contest? Maybe....we'll see. I, however, will not be participating, I have currently lost....ahem, 33 POUNDS and just because it's the holidays does not mean I am going to fall off the wagon. Nope. Not happening.
This past weekend was spent at an amazing restaurant with amazing friends. We were celebrating Lindsey's 25th birthday, and I had my first post baby liquor. Mmm mmm. Sake, and shots. Didn't even get a buzz. I was quite surprised, but oh well, it was still yummy. SN: I had sushi for dinner sushi I've ever had. Honestly. Here we all are, before the festivities began. *Please excuse the quality of this photo, it's from an iPhone.

This post has been all over the place, so I'll come back after Thanksgiving and give you something real. Until then, for your viewing gorgeous child.
also, i made a blog. lol
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