And that, my friends, was Thanksgiving.
Black Friday. Boo. The hubs, bebe, Jessica, Lindsey and myself went to the Florida Mall to do a little browsing and shopping...Dumb. This was our first real outing with the kiddo, and there was about a million people there. We were there until Baby A started throwing a fit, which wasn't long, well maybe it was I don't really know. We did, however, purchase a super cute dress from baby gap for our family Christmas card! So I'll say it was a success.
Now Saturday....Awesome. Chad and I got new cell phones! My phone had been broken for a year. It was really sad. Chad inherited a phone from Linds after his old one took a shit. He got some LG andriod, and I got a blackberry. Finally. Now that they are no longer cool, I got one. Whatever, I love it, and it's super cute and not to mention purple! I thought it was going to take me foooooorever to learn how to use it, but after a couple of hours, I've got it down. Texting, however, may take a little longer than expected due to the size of the keys. Whatever, I'm a happy camper. They were early Christmas presents to ourselves, since this Christmas is going to be about the little one and not so much us.
That was our holiday week(end) now all that's left is to get a tree, some stockings, decorate them both, and do some shopping/wrapping for the bebe and we'll be ready for the next round of holidays. (That and mentally preparing ourselves for Christmas lunch & dinner with my family.) Wish us luck with that!
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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