She's so stinkin cute. She smiles all the time, and follows you with her big, blue eyes. Granted this last week she has turned into the newborn I remember quite well. She went from waking up once during the night to eat, to getting up 3 times at night..again. Boo. I am one tired momma this week, but it's ok, I'll survive. This will only go on so long and then she'll be going off to kindergarten ::cries:: I can't begin to think about that yet. She also weighs 11lbs 1oz!! A big jump from 7lbs7oz!! AlsoALSO! She got a glow worm for Christmas, she freaking LOVES that damn thing, she will stare at it forrrrrrreverrrrrr! (She got a penguin pillow pet as well, and since she's too young to really enjoy that, I guess momma will get to keep it all to herself;) )
Tomorrow is New Years Eve, and my mom is coming up to spend the night so Ariana will have a baby sitter. This way she is in her own environment, and I don't have to ask someone else to keep her so late at night. The Mr. and I are really looking forward to having a night away, spending some quality adult time with friends. When I say "adult time" I mean we'll be acting like 10 year olds playing Kinect. (With a little drinking thrown in!)
Here's a picture of my pretty baby! I'd add more, but my connection is sloooow right now! Gotta love free wifi!
Happy two months! It comes so fast!I swear I cried at midnight,Christmas morning because my little squishy baby is two whole months.Then she burped in my mouth. HA!
I really hope it slows down a bit!
Ahhh. She's beautiful, simply beautiful. This photo makes me miss the newborn stage.
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