So today my little one is two months old. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was downing black cohosh, and doing acupressure trying to jump start my labor...only then to be in said labor for oh, 20 hours or so.
She's so stinkin cute. She smiles all the time, and follows you with her big, blue eyes. Granted this last week she has turned into the newborn I remember quite well. She went from waking up once during the night to eat, to getting up 3 times at night..again. Boo. I am one tired momma this week, but it's ok, I'll survive. This will only go on so long and then she'll be going off to kindergarten ::cries:: I can't begin to think about that yet. She also weighs 11lbs 1oz!! A big jump from 7lbs7oz!! AlsoALSO! She got a glow worm for Christmas, she freaking LOVES that damn thing, she will stare at it forrrrrrreverrrrrr! (She got a penguin pillow pet as well, and since she's too young to really enjoy that, I guess momma will get to keep it all to herself;) )
Tomorrow is New Years Eve, and my mom is coming up to spend the night so Ariana will have a baby sitter. This way she is in her own environment, and I don't have to ask someone else to keep her so late at night. The Mr. and I are really looking forward to having a night away, spending some quality adult time with friends. When I say "adult time" I mean we'll be acting like 10 year olds playing Kinect. (With a little drinking thrown in!)
Here's a picture of my pretty baby! I'd add more, but my connection is sloooow right now! Gotta love free wifi!
Happy two months! It comes so fast!I swear I cried at midnight,Christmas morning because my little squishy baby is two whole months.Then she burped in my mouth. HA!
I really hope it slows down a bit!
Ahhh. She's beautiful, simply beautiful. This photo makes me miss the newborn stage.
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