Friday, December 31, 2010
New Years Eve!!!!
I can't recap what's happened, since, well it hasn't happened yet, but I can tell you what the plan is....
Shrimp (bleck)
Chicky Chicky Chicken
Sounds like a good night to me!
Now since tomorrow is the first day of 2011, I should have a resolution ready and prepared to begin.
Well, I don't.
It's usually always been my resolution to quit smoking. Guess what?! I did that this year! I still have moments of weakness and want to smokesmokesmoke, but I don't. How selfish would I be if I did? My poor baby would have to smell the stench of cigarettes every time I held her, her clothes would stink..etc.etc.etc.
It's not fair to her, and so, I wont be smoking.
Now the only task I've yet to complete is to get the Mr. to quit.
Maybe that should be my resolution. Or his.
If I think of something for myself, I'll let you know. Until then, enjoy tonight.
Eat, Drink, and be Merry.
But don't drink and drive, it kills people.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
2 Months Old!!
She's so stinkin cute. She smiles all the time, and follows you with her big, blue eyes. Granted this last week she has turned into the newborn I remember quite well. She went from waking up once during the night to eat, to getting up 3 times at night..again. Boo. I am one tired momma this week, but it's ok, I'll survive. This will only go on so long and then she'll be going off to kindergarten ::cries:: I can't begin to think about that yet. She also weighs 11lbs 1oz!! A big jump from 7lbs7oz!! AlsoALSO! She got a glow worm for Christmas, she freaking LOVES that damn thing, she will stare at it forrrrrrreverrrrrr! (She got a penguin pillow pet as well, and since she's too young to really enjoy that, I guess momma will get to keep it all to herself;) )
Tomorrow is New Years Eve, and my mom is coming up to spend the night so Ariana will have a baby sitter. This way she is in her own environment, and I don't have to ask someone else to keep her so late at night. The Mr. and I are really looking forward to having a night away, spending some quality adult time with friends. When I say "adult time" I mean we'll be acting like 10 year olds playing Kinect. (With a little drinking thrown in!)
Here's a picture of my pretty baby! I'd add more, but my connection is sloooow right now! Gotta love free wifi!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I guess I should update...
We finally made it to the pedi who prescribed baby A some Zantac. While it's only been 2 days, I can already see a difference when I'm feeding her. I hate that she has acid reflux, especially since I've had heartburn maybe once in my life, so I have no idea what she's going through, but I'm glad they diagnosed her and gave her something to make it better. They also decided to give her her 2 month vaccines. I thought it was just going to be a well baby visit so I hadn't prepared myself for what was to come. 3 shots, and an oral. It.Was.Awful. When the nurse gave her the first shot she screamed and didn't catch her breath right away, which was sad, but babies do that sometimes, but my mom just happened to be there and she went ape shit on the nurse who almost didn't wait to give her the second shot once she had caught her breath. Picture my mom being a complete bitch yelling at the nurse for almost giving my kid a shot while she wasn't breathing. Now, don't get me wrong, she wasn't turning blue kind of not breathing, she was exhaling from crying and it lasted a little longer than it usually does. But come on, she's a nurse, she knows what she's doing, she does it everyday. Anyway, we stopped off and picked up some infant Tylenol and headed home. She was not happy at all that night. I thought most babies sleep after getting their shots; not mine. Not until screaming for hours did she finally go to sleep. The next day she was fine as frog hair, so everythings ok!
The best friend anyone could ever ask for has been spending the days with me this week to prevent me from going insane from loneliness. As of Monday I had hit my breaking point and needed someone to be here with me. Yesterday we spent the afternoon doing a little last minute Christmas shopping, and had lunch at the Olive Garden..yum. Baby A did pretty well, fussed a little, but I think it's because she knew I was trying to eat. She has a tendency to want to either be held, or fed as soon as dinner is ready. It was her first time in a restaurant and I've got to admit, she did very well.
So I'm feeling better emotionally, but now, I'm sick. Of course. Sore throat, pitiful cough, body aches....yep, that's me. I'm praying I don't get my newborn sick, that would be terrible. So everyone please cross your fingers that she doesn't come down with something.
Well tomorrow is Christmas Eve. The Mr. will be home (yay!) so he will be hanging out with the little one while I make Red Velvet Cake Balls for Christmas dinner.
Check them out HERE.
I'm really looking forward to it, and I hope they turn out well! Christmas Day we'll be making the hour or so drive to have lunch with my mom's side of the family, and them making another 30 or so minute drive to have dinner with my dad's side. Every one's excited to get to spend some time with baby A, and I'm excited to get to eat some delicious food!
Before I go, I've got to give a shout out to a couple of amazing ladies who made me realize that this infant stage will get better, and there's a light at the end of this hellish tunnel. Thank you so much Carol and Max! It's nice to have someone who's been there give me some advice. I ordered the book 12 Hours Sleep by 12 Weeks Old (thanks for the recommendation Carol) and I plan on starting it New Year's Day!
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I am at my wits end. I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I need help. I need someone who knows what the hell is going on to come and help me, and take care of the child that I cannot.
I am her mother, and cannot soothe her cries. She screams, and screams and it absolutely breaks me heart. I don't know why she cries. I don't know. I've tried everything imaginable to fix it, to make it better and I just can't. I am at a loss and I don't know what to do anymore.
All she does is sleep, which is fine, if she wants to sleep, then so be it, I'll let her, but when she decides she is ready to eat, she gets furious. She turns red, screams bloody murder, thrashes her head back and forth and will NOT take the bottle. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't just me at home by myself, if I had someone to help me. She'll scream, and scream, and scream. I literally have to get her to sleep to feed her. I broke down last night. The Mr. worked until 945pm and I had been alone with her all day dealing with her screaming. And then when it was time for her to go to bed, it started all over again. Finally I just handed her to him and let him attempt to make it better. He got her to sleep but as soon as he put her in the bed she was up again. I held her and attempted to feed her and she screamed. So I put her in her swing. Instant sleep.
Is it colic? This only started happening a week ago, shes 6 and a 1/2 weeks old, wouldn't colic have kicked in earlier?
Is it her formula? Does it upset her? She is fine during her late night feelings. Eats with no problem, and goes right back to sleep. So I don't get it. Wouldn't the formula bother her at all of her feeding?
Am I trying to feed her too often? Is she not as hungry as I think?
I don't know what to do anymore.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Do you really need a title?
Also! Christmas cards went out TODAY!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Back to work, and a sneak peek!
I'm feeling great today, by the way. Kiddo went to bed at 11pm, woke up at 230am, 630am, then we took a short nap from 7 to 8, got up had some breakfast and took a totally awesome nap from 8 to 1030. I feel well rested and ready to take on the world! She is waking up now and wants lunch so I'm outta here! Have a good day!
More to come after cards have been received by all ;)

Monday, December 6, 2010
Happy Monday
This weekend was pretty good compared to the horrible week I had suffering with a constantly crying little one. She was actually in a really good mood, and still is surprisingly. What it was causing her to do this, I still don't know, but as long as it's over, I'm a happy momma. I can't imagine what it must be like for parents that have a baby with colic. My heart definitely goes out to them.
Saturday we spent the afternoon taking some family photos! They turned out great, and I'm really happy with our photographer ;)
I'll post some of the pictures after we send out our Christmas cards.... I don't want to give anything away!
I keep going back and forth on whether or not I should post a link to my blog on my Facebook, and I always end up not doing it. I think I'd rather have strangers of the interwebs reading about my personal life than people I actually know. Plus I don't need anyone else judging me.
I really need to work on my posts not being all over the place...maybe one of these days!
Have a great week!
(Oh, by the way, it's cold outside!!)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Times are a'changin
Now that that is out of the way, Oh.My.Cod. I am so effing tired. And not just from last nights lack of sleep, oh no. This entire week has sucked. Big ones.
My darling daughter is going through this stage, if you will, where if she isn't being held, she's crying. If she's hungry, which is always, she is crying. If you are trying to put the bottle in her mouth to feed her, she is crying. If you put her in her bassinet after taking nearly an hour to get her to sleep, instantly she is awake, crying. What.The.Fug. I don't get it. I don't understand why she is crying all the time. She also isn't napping like she used to. Now she'll take maybe one or 2 naps a day. Cat naps, not like her previous naps that lasted hours, these only last about 30 or 45 minutes. This week will live forever in my mind as "Hell Week."
Annnyhow. No matter how frustrated I get, I know that once the weekend comes, salvation has arrived. My dear, dear husband wont be working so he can stay up with her at night, and wake up with her in the morning. I will still get up and handle the overnight feedings, only because this ensures the Hubs will be rested enough to get up and take care of her once morning hits and she's ready to start the day.
Got to cut this one short, the little one has risen...
I'll post pictures later.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
One down, one to go....

And that, my friends, was Thanksgiving.
Black Friday. Boo. The hubs, bebe, Jessica, Lindsey and myself went to the Florida Mall to do a little browsing and shopping...Dumb. This was our first real outing with the kiddo, and there was about a million people there. We were there until Baby A started throwing a fit, which wasn't long, well maybe it was I don't really know. We did, however, purchase a super cute dress from baby gap for our family Christmas card! So I'll say it was a success.
Now Saturday....Awesome. Chad and I got new cell phones! My phone had been broken for a year. It was really sad. Chad inherited a phone from Linds after his old one took a shit. He got some LG andriod, and I got a blackberry. Finally. Now that they are no longer cool, I got one. Whatever, I love it, and it's super cute and not to mention purple! I thought it was going to take me foooooorever to learn how to use it, but after a couple of hours, I've got it down. Texting, however, may take a little longer than expected due to the size of the keys. Whatever, I'm a happy camper. They were early Christmas presents to ourselves, since this Christmas is going to be about the little one and not so much us.
That was our holiday week(end) now all that's left is to get a tree, some stockings, decorate them both, and do some shopping/wrapping for the bebe and we'll be ready for the next round of holidays. (That and mentally preparing ourselves for Christmas lunch & dinner with my family.) Wish us luck with that!
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Another holiday post? Check!
Since this will be our first Christmas with our brand new baby, I've been searching high and low for good deals on Christmas cards. And guess what I found?! is doing a promotion and giving away 50 free holiday cards! Don't be jealous, you can get 50 cards for free too, if you blog that is! If you're interested (and lets face it, who wouldn't be) you can check it out for yourself here
I've never used but I've been doing lots of research, and from what I can tell, they are fast, reliable, affordable....all great things, so I'm sure I will be using them more and more during the coming years.
So here is my problem... I am the most indecisive person on the planet. I promise, just ask my husband, or my friends, or, well, anyone that knows me at all. I have narrowed it down to a select few cards that I love, but can't seem to pick just one. So, I need your help.

So there they are. Help me pick one since I am incapable of doing so myself! Then when you're done doing that, get to blogging so you can get some free holiday cards too....and while you're at it check out other fun stuff you can do on shutterfly's website!!
.Christmas cards to
· photo Christmas cards to
· desk calendars to
· holiday cards to
· personalized mugs to
· mother’s day cards to
Have fun, and Happy Holdays!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
How I love the holidays

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
No more puppies and/or rainbows
Baby A is apparently going through a growth spurt.
I knew it was coming. I guess I didn't quite prepare myself for what it would entail.
I suppose it started the night before last. Kiddo sucked down 4oz as opposed to her usual 2, right before bedtime. She slept like a champ. It.Was.Wonderful.
Sadly, when she has a good night, it is more often than not followed by a terrible, horrible, very bad night. Believe me when I say, this rang true last night. (Insert sadface)
Little miss drank (ate, whatever) her 4oz at about 10:30. Got all snuggled, and swaddled, and I put her to bed around 11ish. Usually she will sleep 2 1/2 to 3 hours at a time before waking up to eat. HA! She woke up for her first night feeding at 12:30. It took her about an hour to eat and get all snugly again, and I put her back to bed. Previous nights would lead me to believe that she wouldn't wake up again until 4 or 4:30....again, ha! She was up at 2:45. Repeat cycle; eat, snuggle, swaddle, bed. 4:00 rolls around, she's up again. Repeat cycle. Daddy comes home during this feeding, and the 3 of us hit the sack, it's now 5:30ish. 7am...little miss is up. We get up, and eat. I try to put her to sleep...she is wiiiiiiiiiiiide awake. She is grumpy. She wants to eat every hour, and in between if she isn't fussing, she is straight up crying.
I am miserable at this point. I haven't had nearly enough sleep as one needs to function. She stays awake. No break for momma. Daddy gets out of bed around 1 (he's working nights this week by the way) and I hand over the kiddo, and get in the shower. This is "me time." I'm in the shower for maybe 20 minutes, I get out, and low and behold....she is sleeping on her daddy's chest. SERIOUSLY?! You make mommy suffer for 6 hours being a fussy, crying baby, only to pass out immediately when your daddy takes over? Why little girl? Why do you enjoy making me miserable?
So, of course, she has spent the majority of today sleeping. Trying to keep her up during the day so she will sleep at night...ha. Not happening. I'm not looking forward to tonight.
Wish me luck.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Seriously, it's not too late.
OK here goes...
Why the hell don't people tell you what it's like after you have a baby?
No, I didn't expect it to be all puppies and rainbows, but seriously! Here comes the TMI.
I feel like someone has kicked me straight in the lady parts whilst wearing a steel toe boot. No I didn't expect it to go right back to normal, actually to be quite honest, I didn't even think about the repercussions of having a vaginal delivery. Never again. Never. I promise you that. I don't remember exactly how the contractions felt, but I remember telling the Mr. that it was the worst pain I had ever experienced in my life. (This is how people have more than one kid, they forget.) Of course I had some Stadol, followed by an epidural, so the delivery itself didn't hurt, but now....if I stand too long, or sit too long, so sit in an odd position, I feel like my pubic bone is going to fall out of my body. I'm not exaggerating.
And of course, I tore. So I have God knows how many stitches holding me together, and holy shit, get some pee on those suckers...I'd rather not drink anything for days just so I don't have to go to the turlet EVER.
So I raise my glass, to all the women of the world who have children, and those who are brave enough to have more than one, this toast is for you.
Of course, I'd do it all over again to have my amazing baby girl.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sorry for the delay...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
She's here!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Happy Due Date To Us!
•How big is baby?: According to What to Expect around 7 to 8 pounds and between 19 and 21 inches. Actual, real baby size.
•Maternity clothes?: Yep, what still fits anyway.
•Stretch marks?: Meh, I'm not worried about it.
•Sleep?: I have good nights and bad nights. Last night was terrible, so maybe tonight will be better.
•Food cravings?: Sweets I guess.
•Labor signs?: Yep. Lots of them. We'll get to that later...
•Belly button in or out?: In. It's not coming out!
•What I miss: Lots of things, but it's OK, it's almost over!
•What I'm looking forward to: Meeting my daughter.
So last night we had our second trip to labor and delivery. I have been having contractions on and off since Monday, and finally yesterday I had a couple that took my breath away. So when the hubs got home off we went. Of course once we get there and I get hooked up to the monitors, the contractions pretty much stop. Just my luck. But they did an internal exam, and I am 1 centimeter dilated, 70% effaced, and at a -2 station, so we are making some progress. They sent me home and told us not to come back until they were 5 minutes apart, and I couldn't walk, talk or breathe through them.
This morning I had my last weekly appointment. My doctor saw in my chart that I had been to L&D, and decided she wanted to do an internal exam herself to see if I had progressed at all over night. Nope. Nothing. Still the same. So she officially scheduled my induction for next Thursday, November 4th (which, by the way, she will not be able to attend, so some random doctor that I haven't met will be delivering my daughter. Nice huh?)
I might add that after coming home from L&D last night I took a shower and attempted to go to bed. This was when I had my first set of contractions that I could actually feel begin, peak, go away, and I could time them. They lasted for about an hour, at about 5 minute intervals. This is when they said to come back to L&D, but I wasn't going anywhere. Which is kind of a good thing since after the one hour, I had another contraction that peaked, and just stayed there. It didn't go away, it just.....stayed. And God did it hurt. I didn't sleep more than 3 hours because I was hurting so much. I tried switching positions, laid on the floor, the couch...everything I could imagine, and nothing worked. So I felt like shit when I "woke up".
After the appointment this morning, Lindsey and I walked around the mall, since it was so hot outside, it saved me from having to walk around the block like I usually do. Once she dropped me off, the pain came back.... I can't sit down without feeling like she is being shoved back up, and I can't stand up without feeling like she is going to fall out. I am in so much pain, and am so uncomfortable. I'm just so ready to have this baby. I'm ready to get to the hospital and get some pain meds. And of course, meet our daughter. I'm sorry if this is jumpy, I'm typing between contractions...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Festive Fall Weekend
The hubs and I with his pumpkin. Excuse my pregnant fat face. The Mr. said he looks fat in this picture, I almost punched him.

Friday, October 22, 2010
Not a whole lot actually. Haha. I've totally given up on trying to get this baby here. I still drink my red raspberry leaf tea, but it's good, and I like it, so I'll continue drinking it until I run out.
I've also been walking. Every.Single.Day. I just walk around the block, it might be a half a mile, maybe, but that could be stretching it.
This baby is going to come when she wants to, I've come to terms with that. As much as it may suck, and as badly as I want to meet her and have an outside baby, I'll wait for her. Unless she doesn't come by November 4Th, then the doctor will force her out...bwahahahaha!
I thought that in the third trimester I would be hit with the "nesting instinct" well, I haven't yet. As far as cleaning goes anyway. I have, however, been a baking fool! I have made brownies twice this week, and today I made some banana bread (it's in the oven right now, and smells delicious by the way). Maybe that's my nesting, I don't know. I keep our place really clean all the time, but I thought I'd be scrubbing the tile with a toothbrush, or pulling out kitchen appliances to clean behind them...nothing. But oh well, the hubs has enjoyed coming home to treats, and I like making him happy. I have the worlds best husband in case I haven't mentioned that previously. *wink.
Tomorrow is the Greene Family Pumpkin Carving Party. I am super excited about this by the way. I love fall. I wish the weather were cooler, and the leaves would change, but alas, that's what you get when you live in Florida, an 85 degree Christmas, and either green or brown leaves. Hubs is a master pumpkin carver so I'll be sure to take some photos to show you.
Back to baby, tonight there will be a full moon. I know it is most likely a myth, but it's OK to hope. And I know, that any nurse will tell you that when there is a full moon, the hospitals are packed (with pregos and weirdos). My back has been killing me today, and I've had a few Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing serious.....of course.
Anyway... well I'm glad I got to fulfill my blogging needs, and I hope you've enjoyed reading my random thoughts. Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
39 weeks....and a surprise update
•How big is baby?: According to What to Expect around 7 to 8 pounds and between 19 and 21 inches. Actual, real baby size. Craziness.
•Maternity clothes?: Yep. Pretty much everything.
•Stretch marks?: Meh, I'm not worried about it.
•Sleep?: I have good nights and bad nights. I have gotten up early the last 2 days though, and I've got to admit, I kind of enjoy having a longer day.
•Food cravings?: Meh, honestly nothing in particular... well, sweets I guess.
•Labor signs?: Random contractions, nothing serious yet though.
•Belly button in or out?: In. It's not coming out!
•What I miss: Alcohol.
•What I'm looking forward to: Meeting my daughter.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I'm baaaack!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
38 weeks and an update
•How far along?: 38 weeks...
•How big is baby?: Big and heavy. Since I wont be getting a growth ultrasound to measure her size before she arrives (thanks sucky OB) I wont know exactly how big/small she will be until I deliver.
•Maternity clothes?: Yep. Everything. I have two nice shirts that I can wear out, and one pair of pants. It's sad. I did have a decent amount of maternity clothes about half way through my pregnancy, but now the things I had to wear, don't fit quite as nice. So I'm pretty limited. :(
•Stretch marks?: It could be so much worse.
•Sleep?: It's hit or miss. Some nights I can sleep just fine, others I'm up every hour on the hour only to wake up and actually get out of bed at 6am.
•Food cravings?: Whatever is currently shown via commercial. Right now, candy corn.
•Labor signs?: I had contractions last night consistently for an hour or so, then nothing. So far today, I've had 2 or 3.
•Belly button in or out?: It's kind of flat. So neither I guess.
•What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, and caffeine.
•What I'm looking forward to: Going into labor and finally meeting my baby.
Evening Primrose Oil
Spicy Food
Castor Oil (eww)
Olive Oil
Pineapple and
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
I don't want to do Castor oil, seriously I would rather not have to deal with diarrhea before going into labor. The tea, I would try if there was a Whole Foods Store near us, alas, there isn't. I've heard you have to eat 7 whole pineapples for that old wives tale to work, and that's just too much. I'm hoping to have some spicy wings this weekend if little lady hasn't made her arrival. I've also been walking everyday, and doing squats. The Mr. suggested I do some jumping jacks, but I'm not sure if that's safe, so I'll have to ask Dr. Google. Please, please send me some labor dust, I'm begging you...
I'll leave you with my 38 week bump picture.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Pain Pain Pain
I have an appointment tomorrow and I plan to bring up induction. Now, I know what you're thinking, "You're not even 40 weeks yet! Wait it out!!!" Well I have 2 words for you....SHUT IT! You don't understand that pain I'm in these days. Now that she has really dropped I feel like she will fall out at any minute. Not to mention my swollen feet, ankles, fingers, face, my aching back, and my inability to sleep. Okay, I'm done complaining....sorry about that mini vent.
Anyhow, I'm afraid my doc will shoot down any hopes I have of an induction. To be quite honest, I don't really want to be induced if I can help it. I hear that pitocin contractions are way more intense than natural ones, and it also makes your chance of having a c-section much higher (and we all know I don't want one of those). Ask me this if I'm still pregnant in 3 weeks (please God don't do that to me). My doctor kind of sucks sometimes. She wont give any internal exams to let me know if I am dilated until I am past due (which makes me think she's not down with inductions) she's also really sucky at answering questions. My last couple appointments she has really rushed, I'm sorry but I am just as important as your other patients; give me the time I deserve please!! I will also find out tomorrow if I am positive or negative for Group B Strep, fingers crossed for negative!! And, if I remember, I'll try to get a flu shot.
I'll let you know what happens probably on Thursday when I do my 38 (squee!) week update!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Super pukey

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Sleep is for pansies
Saturday turned out to be quite nice, surprisingly enough. Lindsey and I made plans to go to the Winter Park Autumn Art Festival with her momma. We wanted to look around at the art neither of us could afford, and try to walk this baby out of me. This meant me getting up early. Now I should let you know, that I wake up naturally everyday. I don't set an alarm, I just sleep. I've been loving it, but like I mentioned earlier, nowadays it's essential since I'm not falling asleep until the early morning hours. So after falling asleep at 4:30 in the morning, I then had to wake up at 8:30. Yep, that's right...I got a whopping 4 hours of sleep. Was I tired? Yes. Was I going to make the best of it? Yes. Did I? Hell yes I did. The Mr. stopped at the store, and I grabbed a coke to boost my energy level. It seemed to do the trick.
We left for the festival, I don't know, about 10 or 10:30, it was nice out, (being that this is Florida) but it could have been a tad cooler. Believe me when I say there was not a cloud in the sky. Freaking beautiful day. I wore jeans, because sometimes I'm an idiot. Plus, I had to work later that afternoon and just wore what I was going to wear to work (which these days is limited since I see no point in buying more maternity clothes to wear for another 2 weeks or so). It was crowded and I was sweating, so after we finished walking the festival, which didn't take long, we went into the Gap so Linds and her mom could do some shopping. They shopped, I cooled off. It.Was.Wonderful. Then it was lunch time...Panera. Yum.
I am trying to start taking more pictures but I always seem to find reason not to bring my camera. I'm sure that will change when Miss. A arrives. So I have no photos to share with you of my journey in the land of fake boobs and expensive cars.
So all in all, even on 4 hours of sleep, sweating my pregnant ass off, dodging rude people cutting me off in the sea of people, I had a wonderful time. I was in great spirits, with great company, on an absolutely beautiful day.
I promise, promise, promise to start taking and sharing more photos with you!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
37 Weeks! Full-Term!!
•How big is baby?: The size of a watermelon. Around 6 and a half pounds and 21 inches long. Give or take a little.
•Maternity clothes?: Almost everything. Sadly I'm down to one pair of maternity jeans that fit, but luckily I'll have an outside baby before it gets too chilly; hopefully anyway, it's been really nice out, so I know the cold is right around the corner. Finding it hard to believe we're in Florida...but I'm not complaining.
•Stretch marks?: ::Raises hand:: Yep, but it could be so much worse.
•Sleep?: Last night wasn't fun, keep reading to find out why...
•Food cravings?: Whatever is currently shown via commercial.
•Labor signs?: Nothing. Unfortunately.
•Belly button in or out?: Innie. It's not coming out!
•What I miss: My pre preg body and weight, being able to shave easily, and the parts of my body I can no longer see. Being able to get up easily, and not peeing 100 times a day.
•What I'm looking forward to: Meetin my beebee!!
Well folks, we've made it. As of today we are full-term. This means that if baby A were born now, all of her organs would be functioning well enough that she would make it outside my womb. I have to admit, this pregnancy has been a breeze, and I honestly can't complain (with the exception of crazy, raging hormones in the first trimester) but I'm to the point NOW where I'm just ready. I'm heavy, tired all the, hot constantly, it's hard to get up from the seated position or lying down...I could go on and on. Honestly, I'm just ready to meet our baby. So i'll keep the complaining to a minimum.
Anyhow, on to my lack of sleep last night. Ugh. The Mr. and I got in bed at midnight (after of course watching Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report) hubby was tossing and turnng, and coughing about every 5 minutes or so. He drank some water hoping that would fix it, it didn't. So he decides around 1 that the ceiling fan is the cause of his cough. So he turns it on it's lowest, quietest setting.
Now, normally this would not be an issue, but I CANNOT sleep without some sort of noise; the fan is the perfect amount of noise to put me right to sleep. This solves the Mr.'s coughing problem and he is sleeping within 15 minutes. His lovely wife on the other hand, not so lucky. After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, I decided I would take a sheet, go into the living room, turn the fan on full blast and pass out on the couch. Awe, sweet, sweet sleep. 2 hours later my lovely cat Mordecai decides he doesn't want me to sleep anymore, so he begins to meow...constantly, until I get up, and go back into the bedroom. My cat is a spoiled brat sometimes.
By now it's 4am. I'm exhausted, and cranky. Of course Mordecai follows me into the room, jumps on the bed again, and again, and after kicking him off over and over I finally get up and lock him out! I toss and turn and fall asleep for maybe another hour until the hubs wakes up to get ready for work. As he is kissing my goodbye, I ask him to "please, for the love of God turn the fan on high, and keep that damn cat out of here before I kill him!!" It is now 6:30am and I sleep blissfully, uninterupted until 11:30 when I wake up. Needless to say, I'm a bit tired today, but I'm sure it's good practice for when A arrives...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I did it!
That's right folks; he dropped a 25lb piece of pipe on his poor little pinky toe. Thank God it's not broken, and according to him, it doesn't hurt as bad as it did, which makes me happy. I was a good little wife, and mom-to-be yesterday when he didn't have to work, I made him keep it elevated and keep ice on it. Poor thing. So who knows when we will be going around the lake together. At this rate, baby A may be here before we get to go. Anyhow! Today, the Mr. called to tell me he would be working late, and wouldn't be home until 9pm. So I decided that since it was SO nice outside (HELLO FALL!) I would walk to the grocery store and pick up a few things we needed. So that's just what I did. It took about 30 minutes, not too bad if you ask me! I can't get over how nice it is outside. I almost forgot we live in Florida.
Now lets just see if I can keep this up.
Monday, October 4, 2010
We're ready.
It seems like yesterday I got my big, fat positive from peeing on a stick. Well, some days it feels like yesterday, other times I feel I've been pregnant forever. I actually think it went by a lot faster than I've let on. It seems like it dragged on, when in reality it has flown by. In a couple of weeks (at the most) I wont be pregnant anymore. I wont get to feel her move around in my belly. I wont get to watch my belly jump when she has the hiccups. I wont be the only one who gets to bond with her 24 hours a day. I'm a little sad that it's coming to an end, but I'm so ready to meet her.
I can't wait to see what she looks like, how she smells, what her personality will be like. Will she be like me, or like her dad? Will she be a good baby? Will she sleep through the night at an early age, or stay awake all night for the first year of her life? Will she be a big baby, or will she be little? Will she be quiet or will she scream at the top of her lungs at all hours of the day? I don't know. These are all things that I wonder on a daily basis. I'm ready to meet her... to have my questions answered.
I worry about labor. How will I do? Does it really hurt as badly as everyone says? How high is my pain tolerance? I would absolutely love to give birth to her naturally, with no drugs, but I honestly doubt I'll be able to do that. I would love to be able to get up and walk around as soon as shes made her arrival. I will do what I can as far as lasting through the pain before I get the epidural. Maybe I'll surprise myself and be able to do it. You never know. However, I will NOT be disappointed in myself if I'm unable to do it naturally. My plan all along has been to get an epidural, so I'll let you know what happens in the end.
Post par-tum also scares the shit out of me. The healing part. I can only imagine how much pain I will be in. OUCH. To quote Look Who's Talking I'm going to be "pushing something the size of a watermelon out an opening the size of a lemon." Again, ouch! I know it will be worth it, and I'll be home constantly to heal, but then again there's all the gross shit that happens....yeah I don't want to get into that right now.
What if I have to have a c-section? Not being able to hold her as soon as she makes her appearance. After carrying her around for 9 months, I want to hold her in my arms as soon as possible. Before anyone else. Call me selfish, I don't care. Then I'd have to get stitched up, and all that jazz while she gets whisked off to the nursery to get cleaned up, and Chad would leave me to be with her. I don't want that. I want the 3 of us to spend the first moments of her life together. Daddy, mommy, baby bonding. Not daddy, baby, and nurse bonding while mommy is on the other side of the hospital getting wheeled to recovery. Then there's that...recovery. After they cut me open and mess around with my guts only to shove them back in. I'm sure that doesn't feel good afterward. Would I even be able to stand up straight? I doubt it. Anyhow, we shall see what happens.
All in all, I'm really excited. I can't wait to be a mom. I can't wait to be a family. I can't wait to meet our daughter. I really hope she comes sooner than we expect. So feel free to send labor dust our way. <3