Thursday, September 16, 2010

34 weeks.

•How far along?: 34 weeks.

•How big is baby?: Over 4 pounds and about 17 inches long. About the size of a honeydew. Well, if your computer screen is 17in, that's how big she is...length anyway.

•Maternity clothes?: With the exception of some jammies and VERY few shirts everything I wear.

•Stretch marks?: ugh. battle scars, sure. Nothing too serious...fingers crossed! :)

•Sleep?: I'm sleeping well, it's falling asleep that seems to be the problem these days. It's recommended to sleep on your left side when KU, which I've been doing, but now, baby girl is so big, she has moved all my organs up and they squish my lungs making it difficult to breathe. So I've had to add an extra pillow and sleep in a semi-inclined position. Also, I'm sweating like a bitch at night, it's really disgusting, and only going to get worse post par-tum.

•Food cravings?: Fried chicken and biscuits. IHOP.

•Labor signs?: Not since Monday. 3 weeks I'll be ready to have this baby!

•Belly button in or out?: Innie. I really don't think it's going to pop out! Which is kind of a relief!

•What I miss: My pre preg body and weight, being able to shave easily, and the parts of my body I can no longer see. Being able to get up easily, and not peeing 100 times a day.

•What I'm looking forward to: Having my baby, and returning to my regularly scheduled peeing. :)

Not really much to talk about today. I spent way too much time on etsy looking at headbands for her. I need more. Also, I need some baby beanies, I don't have any! I don't want her head to get cold! Until next week dear readers...

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